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Seo Best Tips

Posted on December 6 2018

201 Powerful SEO Tips (That Really Work)

This Is the largest collection of search engine optimization tips on Earth.
The Finest part?
All Of the search engine optimization techniques in this manual are 100% actionable.
So If you want higher rankings, check out the new guide.


Compose Great Subheaders


The Text you are using on your subheaders can make or break your webpage's live time and bounce rate.
You See, the majority of men and women utilize dull subheaders like:
"Nutrition and You"
"Google Adwords"
Instead, Create eye-catching subheaders that prevent your viewers in their paths.

Delete (Or Noindex) Mediocre Blog Posts

I Love deleting crappy old blog articles.
Because The reality is that:
If A webpage isn't bringing in traffic or revenue, its USELESS. So delete it or redirect it to another appropriate post.
In Reality, Koozai deleted 900 blog articles without any issues.

Add LSI Keywords to Your Content

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) key words are a fancy way of saying: "synonyms and closely-related phrases".
And When you include these in your articles you help Google understand what your page is about. You can find LSI keywords at the bottom of the SERPs:

Use Click Magnet Words on Title Tags

"Click Magnet Words" are phrases that tend to attract clicks. When you use these on your title tag, you can get clicks from Google searchers.
Here Are a few of my favorites:

  • New
  • Proven
  • Today
  • A number ("7 pounds." , "431 backlinks" etc..)
  • Free


Update Old Content

This May be the most underrated on-page search engine optimization technique on Earth.
First Off, updating shows Google that you care about your content.
And The updated info and graphics tell users : "This webpage is up-to-date". In fact, I update all my articles at least one time a year.

Compose Long Descriptions for YouTube Videos

Long Video descriptions help Google know what your movie is all about.
So I suggest writing YouTube video descriptions that are at least 250 words.

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